Welcome to our Facilities Ministry at Beverly's historic Ryal Side Church. 
Here, we cherish our beautiful building as a gift, understanding that our true mission lies in people.  While Jesus is not returning for a building, we recognize the importance of being good stewards. Our Facilities Ministry is dedicated to maintaining a warm, clean, and orderly environment for our church family and guests. 
With our expansive building, the task is significant, but our commitment is unwavering.

  1. Maintain Cleanliness:
     We ensure our church is a welcoming space by keeping it spotless and inviting for everyone who walks through our doors.
  2. Create a Warm Atmosphere: 
    Our team works tirelessly to maintain a cozy ambiance, making everyone feel at home during services and events.
  3. Orderly Organization: 
    We manage the orderly arrangement of spaces, ensuring everyone can fully engage in worship and fellowship.
If you have a heart for service and would like to contribute to our ministry, we invite you to join our team. Here, you won't just be volunteering; you'll become part of a close-knit family, dedicated to serving our church community[1][6]. Your service matters. Sign up today and let's care for our church home together!